Life got you down? Foreign conflicts too confusing? Police brutality too rage-inducing? Well, put down that razor blade, Dr. Obli’s got 10cc’s of medical-related gore to get you back on your feet.
Some brutal shit here, guys. Guts everywhere, assorted body parts, autopsies and deformed infants. What the fuck else could you ask for? In the case of the baby, I can’t tell if it’s a living child being pulled from the woman so if anyone can offer their expertise it would be appreciated. As always, feel free to talk amongst yourselves and don’t be shy.
Mad Props go out to Best Gore member speak english or die for the pics.
![Corpse with Innards Belched Forth](
![Bloody Brain Ejected Whole from Head](
![Assorted Body Parts in a Bag](
![Unborn Baby Preserved and On Display](
![Infant with Deformed Head](
![Baby Looks Alive](
![Baby Removed Via C-Section](
![Man with Slashed Throat on Autopsy Table](
![Preparing the Wound](
![Collage of Autopsy Photos](
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